Planning an Exposition - Karolina Skorek
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Planning an Exposition

“Dreamscapes,” navigates the enigmatic realm of dreams and their profound relevance to my cultural heritage. Harnessing an array of artistic mediums such as experimental film, installations, digital photography, and etchings, the ambition is to render the ethereal aspects of dreams into palpable forms. It serves as a deeply personal exploration of the significance of dreams from my perspective as a Polish woman. Drawing from the wellspring of Slavic folklore, myths, and beliefs, it stands as a tribute to the rich tapestry of cultural narratives that shape our understanding of dreams and their potent influence on our lives.

The film is structured into three distinct chapters, each offering a unique angle on the theme of dreams. The first chapter delves into the realm of shamanic visions, symbolising a process of

liberation and the severing of ties with the past. This chapter is a celebration of the artist’s full femininity, a letting go of the old, and a welcoming of the new. The visuals in this section are ephemeral and painterly, evoking the fleeting and impressionistic nature of dreams.

The second chapter is a deeply intimate portrayal of my sacred relationship with water, a recurrent motif in Slavic mythology and dream symbolism. This chapter delves deeper into the personal realm, exploring the profound connections between the elements, dreams, and the creative process.


The final chapter pays homage to Polish romantic poets and their interpretations of dreams. It is a celebration of the enduring influence of these poets and their exploration of dreams as a profound source of inspiration and insight.


Rooted in my Polish lineage, this project embarks on an introspective journey into the heart of Slavic culture and its deep-seated tradition of dream interpretation. Dreams have maintained an influential role in Slavic societies, not just as figments of the unconscious mind, but as potent symbols that bear the potential to provide insights into the human condition and foretell future events. The project offers a unique perspective on this ancient tradition, reframing it in a modern context.

“Dreamscapes” is not merely an artistic endeavour but also a cultural exploration, seeking to bridge the gap between the past and the present, the conscious and the subconscious, the tangible and the intangible. By drawing on my personal experiences and cultural background, the artwork encapsulates the essence of Slavic dream interpretation, bringing to light its importance and relevance in contemporary art and culture.


Specific details of work: number of pieces envisaged, size, medium, installation, texts, essays, workshops, presentations proposals etc…
In the ideal scenario:

4-6 short experimental films (each 1-2 minutes long) displayed on sheer fabric hanging in one part of the space (darkened out) screened from one or two digital projectors that would have to be hung from higher up. (grey room on the picture)

6-8 printed and framed digital photographs/artworks presented in the second part of the space. (second room) A tv or computer with my thesis film playing in the first room/space (with headphones so it doesnt interfere with the other rooms) a small area to present sketches, work in progress etc, and a space to display my etchings. The minimum: 4 short films 4-5 printed digital photographs A tv or computer with my thesis film playing in the first room/space (with headphones so it doesnt interfere with the other rooms) a small area to present sketches, work in progress etc, and a space to display my ettchings.

Technical Requirements – (for installing work and AV equipment needs envisaged)

I would need: A projector (or two) and speakers for the video display space,

A way to install my framed photo works (I guess with some light points?)

A safe way to hang the sheer fabric from the ceiling (or the walls?) so it goes across the  room.

A fan so I can create a little bit of movement in the fabric.


A shelf or a nice space to present the book, and information about the project.

Question – would a smoke (haze) machine be okay to use for the exposition and the opening?

Not sure if it would trigger a smoke alarm or not? I used it at home and our smoke detector doesnt seem to mind it.

The space – if needed include any proposed alterations to floors or walls, building, painting, roof covering, controlled lighting. Consider the possibility of using other public spaces at The space – if needed include any proposed alterations to floors or walls, building, painting, roof covering, controlled lighting. Consider the possibility of using other public spaces at Regent Street or elsewhere. Controlled lighting- in both spaces. I would need to find a way to install things onto the walls ( I would think maybe the panels?) and ideally floor next to one of the digitart.

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