AI generated Art. the dreamlike scenarios

AI generated Art. the dreamlike scenarios

The AI generated images have created quite an uproar in the art community. In 2022 we saw a jump in the quality and realism in the AI generated imaginery. 
And with the constant development of those tools we might see the evolution of modern art… 

I firstly found out about the and after applying to be a betatester.

As per their website info: Midjourney is an independent research lab exploring new mediums of thought and expanding the imaginative powers of the human species. They are a small self-funded team focused on design, human infrastructure, and AI. We have 11 full-time staff and an incredible set of advisors.

the process for an end user (as I am not even going to pretend I understand the coding behind this program) is quite easy. And with every updated version of the AI we are ending with very impressive images. 

I have to say I became fascinated with the surreal and quite disturbing results. The artifacts created by the ai have a beautiful painerly quality and texture to it. 

I started to generate the artworks. 
The more propts I typed in, the more fascinated I became. Those visuals had the quality of a dream, they were random, I could not realy change how they look, and what I was given as the end result. 

Now the question was… how do I use this tool in my practice. 

MidJourney generated images 

The second generator is called DALL·E 2, a software developed by OpenAI. 
This one is way more impressive when it comes to generating a hyper realistic images… but for the dream project I think I will stick with MidJourney .

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