02 Mar Quantum dreaming
It is through dreams that we may be transported to worlds that defy the laws of physics and which obeys their own laws of time, space, motion and conscious reality,...
It is through dreams that we may be transported to worlds that defy the laws of physics and which obeys their own laws of time, space, motion and conscious reality,...
Imagination Goddess Calm woman, with stars and infinity symbol coming out of her head. Keys, dice and feather are floating around her, suggesting she already possess all the answers she might...
So far this is last of Crux Philologorum series. This is again based on a summer photo of my mom her brother and their cousin on a woodland walk. I wanted to...
I was wandering how to use the old family photos that I found so inspiring. I firstly tried projecting them onto distorted spaces, creating clusters of memories, after that I tried...
After creating the series of self-portraits, I used this technique on dream-like images, I wanted them to evoke the meditative state and the outer body experience that people describe during...
As I made all the wax hand shells I didn`t want to stop there. I decided to show how I remember certain types of touch, the unwanted, uncalled for touch- with...
I came back to this idea after over a month, and a lot of quite traumatic events that happened to my family. I found the repetitive motion of dipping my...
How to show the memory of a touch? The gentle stroke of fingers touching skin? The most obvious would be to photograph or draw someone who would touch you. Holding hands, gentle...